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Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

My one hope is that families of diverse backgrounds will sense my genuine desire to know what is essential to their family, their beliefs, and dreams for their children. I want to develop relationships that breed friendships and honesty by being honest. Derman-Sparks & Edwards (2010) both agreed that:” Ensuring that every family feels welcome and comfortable creates a crucial foundation for mutually respectful relationships” (p.37). The understanding developed from this course impressed me that all children and their families are diverse. Each family and their children have a unique culture which is distinct and demands respect from me.

My goal for the issues in ECE in diversity, equity, and social justice is to accept and respect the differences of my colleagues, children, and their families. I will be alert for opportunities to encourage and stand up for any who cannot stand for themselves. I hope to be a voice ushering social justice in the classroom, and into the future of early childhood. Derman-Sparks & Edwards (2010) explained that:” Anti-bias education work in early childhood is shaped by a deep-seated belief in the importance of justice, the dream of each child being able to achieve all he or she is capable of…” (p.9). Every parent has a desire to see their children succeed, and I want to be a part of helping them achieve their ambition.

To all my Colleagues,
Thank you for sharing your stories, your dreams, your challenges, and triumphs, they inspired me. "Perspectives on Diversity and Equity" has been a hard course where we were called to remember and share our hurts, and disappointments. This course forced some of us to realize we were products of internalized privilege or internalized oppression. However, we became aware with the knowledge giving us the power to change bias, accept diversity, and to stand up for social justice. I pray that we all learn and grow from all we have discovered

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