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Personal Childhood Web

 I am the oldest daughter of six children.  And I have a memory of a babysitter telling me to:" always listen to my older brother".  I assumed the other siblings had not made an entrance, I was very young. For some reason I do not have a lot of  memories when I was under 5, besides that babysitter.  My grandparents kept me while my parents worked in the summer months, and sometimes I was with them in holiday seasons.  Big Mama and Pa Pa, Ma-dear and Granddaddy.  Big Mama and Papa  lived in the country they owned a large farm with lots of land to explore.  Big Mama used to say I was smart, because I would do things to help her.  When I finish helping her I would look for things to do that I thought could help her.  I would help Pa Pa  too.  I usually went to help him pick quash, I remember once a bee stung me, and he put snuff on it out of his mouth.  I was more upset about the snuff than the bee.  Big Mama said I was going to be a teacher,  I not sure if it was because I loved to read or play school.  I also started sewing at nine, she gave me a pillowcase that I made doll clothes out of.  I would comb her hair, or anyone who would allow me to.  I still do the same things, I love to read, fixing hair, and sewing, and of course playing school.  My other Grandparents lived in the city, they was not much to do there besides clean up, and I did plenty of that.  At home I became the second Mama to my four younger siblings, I helped them with homework, fed them, and kept them until my parents came home. I became their nurturer, and that went on for years as we all grew up. I have a few memories of kindergarten, because back then there was no Pre-K.  I started kindergarten at 4, since my birthday is December 1.
  Looking back, my grandmother Big Mama made a big impact on my life, because every positive thing she said about me I lived up to.  She was impressed with my sewing, she always told me I was smart and would be a teacher. I actually use to do her hair, probably fixed over 50% of my relatives hair in my life.  So even if only one person magnifies your talents at a young age it matters in the child's belief of what they can accomplish.

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