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Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

Walter Scott, 50 years of age was shot in the back and killed. Antwon Rose 17 years of age was shot from behind and killed. Daniel Hambrick 25 years of age was shot from behind and killed. All three were shot by Police Officers who are sworn to uphold the law and protect citizens.
These incidents show a specific bias that killing Black men, young and old is still happening after all the ones who were lynched and outright killed for no reasons other than being Black, even in the 21st century. Equity means impartiality, fair play, justice, and there is none when shooting a man from behind.
These ongoing incidents break my heart that life can be cut short so quickly by Police Officers when no violent crime has been committed. Black men are killing each other, and killing White men, and all of it is wrong. But I expect criminals to commit inhumane acts, but not the ones who are charged to protect. I feel like we are living in a mad, mad world, where love is “waxing cold.” These incidents bring to mind the innocent black men who were beaten to death, lynched because they looked in the wrong direction, or were in the wrong place.
The only thing that can change these incidents into opportunities for doing good is the changing of hearts.  For the Police Officers, the Black and White men to value life. To realize that each person has someone who loves them and hopes for them to become the best they can be in their life. People need to acknowledge that taking someone life who is not trying to take your life or someone else life is a crime and a sin. Like I said a change of heart is the only solution to this ongoing travesty.

In July 2018, a White man at a wedding was shot and killed by a Black teenager who was trying to rob him. This teenager did not value life; there was hate or indifference in his heart. The family is devastated, as am, I. Wrong has no color of skin, we have a nation with a lot of sick hearts. We have to find a way to overcome the desensitized minds capable of killing. All life matters!

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