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Saturday, February 17, 2018

My Supports!

  On a daily basis I need the support of the director and my colleagues, the parents, and the children. The support my colleagues and director give is their professionalism, their encouragement, and their smiles.  The children give me their support of trust, and hugs, and their parents support me by trusting I will care for their children as if they were my own.  Listening is a support from others that you would not miss unless it was gone. I need to have a listening ear at work from my colleagues, the children and their families. Team work is done by listening to each other, and when the offer of encouragement, ideas, and help is offered the benefits are able to make a great difference.  My director is the support of being our advocate, getting supplies, fixing bathrooms, light , and computers and any of the little to large things we need throughout the day. She does not do the actual work, but she puts my requests into the hands that do the work, if she forgot, or thought I could wait, it would be hard to do my job.
     My family offers me support by loving and caring for me, they are also great listeners, I offer the same.  My sisters and I talk everyday sometimes more than once. My brothers too, give me support, just by loving and caring about me. Without my family I would be half of whom I am.  We celebrate each other and their children accomplishments, we lend a helping hand, we care and share knowledge with the next generation. My only living parent is my Mother and we live together. Mom gives me support by believing the best of me always, which I try to live up to. She supports me by loving me, and allowing me to take care of her. I cook most of our meals, take her to doctor appointments, tell her about my day and she listens. Some days I am all talked out, and my family understands and support me, knowing I talk all day at work. My family supports me with humor, we laugh together often, share meals, and they visit.  My nieces and nephews are my supporters, they support me with their love, they think of me and call, and the are always happy to see me. The support of my family makes me feel valued.
  My spiritual support is the most important in my life without it I would cease to exist and that support comes from God.  His endless care, knowing that He loves me, He will never leave or forsake me, He gives me the energy,health, and desire to do all I do.
  The support my friends and family give me allows me to continue going to school, they understand that my time is limited. They understand that sometimes I am totally exhausted and will shut down , they support me through the autoimmune disease of Lupus.
  The people who support me are indispensable, I need their support for different things and I do not want to be without it. It would be a dismal life if I did not have the support of my family, friends, and colleagues holding me up, encouraging and loving me I would not be the person I am. Something crucial would be missing in my life

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