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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Using Social Media to Get Connected

I have a Facebook, and a LinkedIn account and this blog as connected social media. I have my phone and at one time a web site that I created for a school project.
I could use all my social media tools for my advocacy because they are connected to the world. I could use Facebook to write daily information about my advocacy, and post the information on LinkedIn, as well as start a blog solely dedicated to my advocacy. And according to Kieff (2009), I could develop a web site solely dedicated to my ideas, to the issues of importance to me (p.121). And then there are the people I interact with being my social tools for an outlet for me to share information with their contacts. When I Facebook with someone, they have numerous shared friends and many more that I do not know, all being opportunities to ask them to friend me.
I think having reputable information about the issue causes and effects will motivate some conversations. I would also write some letters, according to Kieff (2009):” Letters to the editor are a good way for professional educators to be active links between the public and the educational community” (p.121).  I would also write to my legislature and congressman. I can see starting a petition to obtaining the attention of policymakers(pp.123,125). I would also use my email at work to inform my colleagues of the issue, and the plans to move forward and solicit their help and advice. And last but can be very effective I would use YouTube to inform, invite, and inspire others to join forces with me to make a change.

I know there are many avenues for social media that I am not familiar with that my colleagues can share with me. Please feel free and welcomed to share. Thanking you in advance of your help.

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