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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Advocacy Messages

5 days is all it takes to become dependent on opioids
Opioid dependence can happen in just five days. Many young adults don’t know the power of opioids and can quickly become addicted to them.
And because of this, a lot of people are dying. In 2016, more than 42,000 people died of opioid overdoses in the U.S.

The campaign message that I found to be inspiring was the one where a young lady allowed her detoxification of drugs to be filmed. The story is about a young lady who at 14 years of age was a dancer that hurt her ankle. The doctor prescribed her some pain pills, that led her to an addiction, that turned into heroin addiction, that took everything from her, and everybody that she loved. The campaign message is a short film about six minutes shown at bus stops, and the impact is great I saw people in the audience shedding tears.

The reason this message is so effective is that the young lady did not seek to become a drug addict, she trusted her doctor and took the prescribed medication, Her body betrayed her and she became another statistic. The ease of how the addiction turned her life into a nightmare is like watching an accident happen, you do not want it to happen but you cannot turn your eyes away from the scene. A true story of redemption from the slavery of a drug lifts your heart, gives you hope, and encourages the one who is also in slavery to drugs.


  1. What a powerful advertisement, Trahlyta! I think it's so relatable because it's someone who had an injury, took the medication her doctor gave her, and then spiraled out of control. It shows how easily this could happen to any of us, but also delivers a message of recovery and redemption. Very moving choice. Great job!


  2. Trahlyta, I enjoyed your post as I always do! I can relate to the message because of my mothers ongoing struggles and I agree with your perspectives on the message. My siblings don't understand addiction the way I do. I did a lot of research on it in high school so that I could understand my mother. I then learned more when I would go to narcotics anonymous meetings with her. I was able to understand it and see it as a disease while my siblings still feel like it's a choice. I wished that her doctors didn't prescribe her only narcotics and that they'd offered her of the methods of healing after 3 back surgeries. Thank you for sharing!


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