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Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Family Culture

If I was being taken from my country to live with only three personal items, I would take my bible, a family portrait, and my kindle. If I had to explain why those three items, I would say one is my life and future my bible, the other is my heart , my family, and the other is my joy,  the kindle with my favorite books.

Given a choice of taking only three items from my home and country, to only be told that I had to give up two would truly hurt. Because, I would have adjusted to the fact that I only had three things that belonged only to me. Taking two items that apparently meant something to me after losing my home and country, and this would make me want to fight to keep them.

My grandparents reverence the bible as the words of God, which shaped my parents and their children.  I remember my grandmother saying: ‘family is important” and that statement never left me.  My father liked to read, and I took it up a notch and became a lover of books. As a child I would read, and when I became a teenager, I would read and miss cooking lessons but  I could not avoid  washing the dishes.

One thing I learned from this, is that everything I love is a part of my family. Also that I love my country with all it problems, and would not want to live in any other country.

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