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Thursday, June 28, 2018

When I Think of Research....

The reason my simulation is important to the field of early childhood is that teachers should never forget the influence they have on children developing their social-emotional skills. It is essential that we never lose sight of modeling the behavior we want to see in our children. Because the reward of their growth is amazing to behold.

If educators remember that every facial expression, their body language, and words can and will impact a young child’s ability to develop their own facial expressions, language, and words; that will be a powerful motivator. Families would also realize that not only teachers influence, but they do too, and I think it will encourage all to try harder to remember there are little ears and eyes learning from what they see. I think the research to reinforce that will benefit us because it will inspire.

We are natural researchers, and this course gave us skills and information to help us grow beyond.  If we ever have a burning question, or a desire to inform, or change we have a platform “research”.

I thank you all for each time you shared your thoughts, your passions, and your encouragement. This was not the easiest course I have taken, but you have made it one of the most  memorable. And I hope and pray that we all meet again in the Discussion room.

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