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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Sharing Web Resources

On March 21, 2018, there was a live broadcast about “Understanding Education Equity- and Achieving it” on a weekly newsletter I receive from EdSource. One question on the webcast that made me think out loud when the Sacramento Superintendent voiced that: “…some asked what are we making up for with this equity?”  This webcast is everything we have been discussing in class; I am excited because this issue is being addressed today. In the webcast was a panel to discuss reform for closing the gap and ensuring the outcome for equity for all children. The panel of scholars and practitioners see the need to close the opportunity gap which even the nation knows exists. Professor Tyrone Howard said:”….the conversations about equality and equity keep in view the disparity, we should leave off equality and move forward towards equity”(EdSource, 2018). Howard said equity makes us face our past and move toward immigrants, ELLs, people of color; the need to do more for people who have always gotten less and create an authentic pathway. Communities mirror schools, and schools mirror communities, both viewed as interrelated. The superintendent of Sacramento schools Jorge Aquilar explains that:”…tried to advance equality, screwed up and now we have to move through an equity lens” (EdSource, 2018). Aquilar spoke of having to provide an additional resource for certain students: facilities, IT, student support services, and staffing (EdSource, 2018). Professor Andrea Venezia discussed the barriers to equity in college, low expectations for one, and also the bridges created using dual enrollment (EdSource, 2018). Professor Thomas also mentions ECE as being the front end that can be used to stop the outcomes of the past. Professor Thomas stated that:” Equality typically expect the one size fits all,” …and how that does not work. This panel was talking, planning, and moving forward with final actions towards projects for quality that align with equity.
EdSource (21 March 2018). Understanding education equity-and achieving it.
          Retrieved from

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