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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Teachers the Unintended Consequence

           This article in EdSource weekly podcast is about teachers who are being labeled as least qualified, and least experience in low-income schools.  There is a new federal law that has replaced the No Child Left Behind called the “Every Student Succeeds Act”. This law is targeting only the teachers as not being effective, not the curriculum, and not standardized testing. This is similar to the economists thinking they have all the answers, when will teachers be consulted and believed as to what is happening in schools across America. This is not the first time underqualified teachers are blamed, when the question is why hire teachers who are not prepared, what professional development training is offered.  The state is enforcing a law that singles out teachers who have little or no experienced and labeling them ineffective. Because the state needs the federal funds for their schools, and teachers are always the first to be blamed. All these teachers are working at “poor schools” low-income students who need more from their teachers.  Did these poor students have early childhood education?  Economist looking for “Human Capital” would frown at California’s school system, because the return on the investment appears to be failing.  Now the state, and the federal government has found a cause for the effect, poor teacher


Fensterwald, J. (31 March 2018).Districts must do more to reduce low-income schools'     

              share of inexperienced, ineffective teachers under new federal law. EdSource.    

                Retrieved   from

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