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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Getting to Know International Organizations Through Poverty

There are a lot of global organizations fighting against poverty. Their methods might differ, but their goals are the same, to eliminate poverty.  Oxfam is about assisting people in establishing a way out of a poverty filled future. The global organization Oxfam supports educating people about their rights and working with people to change laws that deny them their rights. Oxfam also gives aid to relieve disaster areas. The Oxfam believes change will only happen at the political level by changing laws. Whereas the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund fights poverty by “strengthening legislation and social service.”  Social services such as; early childhood education, nutrition, immunization, water, sanitation and hygiene (UNICEF, 2018). The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) helps countries develop policies that lead to “Sustainable Development Goals.” UNDP is working toward future goals to alleviate poverty and to ensure economic equality. There are 17 interconnected sustainable development goals. The goals cover everything connected with improving lives, no poverty, affordable and clean energy, climate action, quality education, and zero hunger, to name a few. The Borgen Project is a global organization that originated in the U.S., and they support ending poverty through advocacy, and education. Educating the public on how to communicate with their government is a way to change policy and therefore address the needs of the community.

     All these and more are organizations throughout the world fighting poverty, they all take and need donations. Not just money but our time and commitment too. Poverty is a worldwide problem, and it is going to take the world to change it. What I take for granted, water running out of the faucet, food in my cabinets and refrigerator, going to sleep knowing what will be for breakfast, and according to UNICEF (2018) 387 million children are living in extreme poverty. 


The Borgen Project (2018). How to end global poverty.  Retrieved from    

Oxfam (2018). The power against poverty.  Retrieved   from
UNDP (2018). Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from
UNICEF (2018).  For every child.  Retrieved from

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