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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Time Well Spent!

There are many things I learned completing my master’s program that will continue my growth throughout my career and my life. One was in “Selecting an Advocacy Objective.” Because there are numerous problems in the Early Childhood field and I must select “specific” and “measurable” campaigns to endorse for change. Sometimes passion can induce a desire for specific changes, but it is wise to spend time in research before wasting time in the unachievable.
I learned that I want to be a part of “Communities of Practice” intentionally; because of the focused interaction of a shared passion, concern, or problem offers many ideas, solutions, and different perspectives. One of the things I will miss with all of you is the sharing of opinions and experiences, which was our community of practice in our weekly discussions.
And what I learned about the challenge I selected is something I will always remember. While studying about “Worthy Wages,” I was introduced to the history of early childhood, not from the theorists, or pioneer’s point of view but the advocates. I have learned what the early teachers experience, fought for and against, and how they continued with little to no change.
My challenge for increasing our pay lead me to my long-term goal of being an advocate for life or until there is a change for universal preschool, professionalism, and decent wages for early childhood educators.
Although, this is the last blog I will write to you all I do not feel as if this is the final encounter. I will be looking forward to all the great things you will do for the early childhood field. What we have shared will always live in my memory, and you all will never be forgotten. I enjoyed your passion, ideas, and different perspectives. And I loved the way our Professor challenged us to grow, change, and think. Whether it was in discussion, reflections, or assignments Professor Ernst comments were an encouragement for growth. Professor Ernst was always respectful and never condescending, and I am very appreciative.
I wish you all joy, peace, and success in all your endeavors with all sincerity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trahlyta,

    I enjoyed reading your final blog and I have to say that I was hesitant to take this last class however I feel that I have conquered so much. I wish you success in all you do.


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