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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Quality Programs for All Children

Public opinion about childcare is very important because their opinions are transformed at the voting poll, and through their representatives. Getting the public behind an idea is paramount to changing the world.
There are numerous trends affecting early childhood, today scientists, politicians, and economists are supporting the value of early childhood education. Although, we have some who do not use or care about early childhood education. These parents have their own system of educating their children. The homeschoolers are more than I previously thought. According to Autumn Burke (2018):” In 2007 the U.S. Department of Education reported that the number of homeschooling students had climbed from 850,000 in 1999 to 1.1 million in 2003” (Fagan,2007). If this trend continues to grow, we will have fewer children using early childhood care, in five years it could change if we offered quality child care.
One public perception about men being early childcare professionals is that they are not to be trusted. I personally disagree with that beliefs and would advocate that change of perception. As Tim Cooke (2018) in “The Guardian” expressed: “We need to strive for a much better gender balance among early years teachers”. At my center, we had two male teachers and they were very good teachers, the children loved and respected them. Nevertheless, they both had to leave because of the very low pay. I would advocate for more male teachers, and hopefully, in five years public opinion will change.
Speaking of low pay, this is something that affects all teachers as they try to care for their families.  I hope to change that fact by advocating the worth of early childhood professionals. The movement is rapidly growing that early childhood education should be accessible for all children. According to “First Five Years Fund”:” …89% of Trump voters and 79% of Clinton voters want Congress and the administration to work together to improve the quality of child care and preschool and make it more affordable for parents”. This is encouraging, and I advocate free early childcare for all children. I hope that in the next five years it is a national mandate that all early childhood children are granted quality care. However, advocating for quality salaries for the teachers is a goal I plan to pursue. Quality care for children and quality salaries for early childhood professionals.
I imagine that the children, families, and communities will finally get the total benefits of early childhood care. The male teachers will have a positive effect on male and female children. The public will not arbitrarily dismiss the influence of male role models in early childhood. And finally, professional teachers will be appreciated, and the teachers will thrive enough that teachers will not have to work part-time jobs. And male and female teachers can take care of their families without leaving the field of early childhood. Peace of mind will influence all parties to be and do better, parents will have their quality care, children will receive the best from their well-paid teachers, and then and only then will the children’s future benefit from early childhood education.

Burke, A. (6 April 2018). Why homeschooling is on the rise. ThoughtCo. Retrieved
Cooke, T. (19 July 2018). I’m one of the few male nursery teachers. There should be
    more of us. The Guardian.  Retrieved from
First Five Years Fund (20 June 2017). 2017 National poll: Research summary. 

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