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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Cultural Diversity in Motion

The past week in my work environment, I discovered people from across the country, and the world makes up part of the families, and college students. One student that is from Nigeria has developed her English skills from a couple months ago when I could barely understand her,to smiling asking questions and relating to me how she is doing. I found that my helping her get a background enabled her to start her classes in Early Childhood Care and she is very happy. When I first met her she was looking for childcare, and I did not have any grants available to help, but I tried. And she was treating me like a long-lost friend when I saw her in passing. The encounter made me realize that I made an impact by being patient two months ago, by listening carefully, we were able to communicate. Sometimes in the rush of accomplishments, when obstacles in communication arise it is easy to dismiss a person. I think in this instance I listen effectively, however, I am mindful that is not always the case. Because,:" Effective listening is a way of showing concern for subordinates, and that fosters cohesive bonds...."(Williams,n.d.).

 I am listening to communication as a person who genuinely cares, and this has benefited me, with a better understanding of what is being said, and what is not. A parent told me she took her child to the doctor because he had the flu. The day she brought her child back to school the director asked for the doctor's excuse, and the parent said she could not afford to take him to the hospital and did not have one. This parent was critical of the letter she received for unexcused absences, perhaps that is why she lied when I called to inquire about her son. The parent just moved from up north and I know her culture is different than Atlanta, and I will have to build a relationship with her that promotes trust. Beebe et al. (2011) advice was to become other-oriented, a process that will help me to treat others as they want to be treated. That is why I ran the conversation back through my mind when I called, I will be mindful to concentrate on finding out how she wants to be treated. It is possible that I did not give her a chance, or make her feel comfortable telling me of her financial situation. I would like to relate to her some resources available that might be of help for medical care if her child is in need. But I will learn about her worldview, ask some questions for clarification, and be willing to adjust my behavior to accept what is important to this parent(Beebe et al., 2011).

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