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Saturday, May 19, 2018

My Personal Research Journey!

Why does one child accept instructions, disappointments, or violence without resorting to their basest nature of screaming, cursing, or fighting? That is the dilemma I faced when several different children were brought to me because of the disturbance they created in the classroom. I asked each one to tell me what happened, one started to whine, and I said please use your real voice so I can understand.  He said they were laughing at him, the other child said he could not make the letter, and the last child said he was trying to help the teacher by telling the class to be quiet. In each of these circumstances, I was able to calm the children, enough to verbalize why they threw a chair, attacked a child, and ran at the teacher as he said “on ten”. These are Pre-K children who I think lack emotional intelligence. One of my subtopics is “The influence of family on the emotional intelligence of early childhood”. In one’s family, there are multiple interactions with parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, and so forth, which member is likely to be imitated? Does the older sibling react to obstacles to their desire through tears, screams, cursing, or calm, or perhaps it is the mother? In the Pre-K class, this behavior by the first child has been an issue almost from the beginning of school, but the other two or three have begun to manifest these outburst in the last several months or weeks. Should my subtopic be about children mimicking other peers, or should I try to narrow my subtopic more?  I know this is a mock research, but since my topic is actually a concern, I am looking for a solution, understanding, while trying to focus on what is most important in emotional intelligence in early childhood.
     Being competent in research is a valuable skill for teachers, for anyone, and I am genuinely striving to get the information I need to become competent in research. I have learned this week that all information found on the internet is not valid, that research has to be searched for verification of its validation.

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