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Saturday, September 16, 2017

A Favorite Children's Book

One of my favorite children's book is "At the Farmers Market".  I like that it is bilingual, very colorful, and it's a great book for families.  It tell you which fruits and vegetables are fresh in its season.  We can talk about healthy foods, the colors,  shapes,  seasons , and how we dress in each season. We also sing songs about the fruits and vegetables, a very versatile book.
Internship in 2012, hard at work in a Pre-K classroom.

A Child's Portrait

This is a face I made for the children to create a self-portrait.  The children selected the eyes by color, the lips by color, and the hair by color and shape.  Aiden's hair was very unique because he does not have hair. Some of the faces had eyes on their chin, hair on their ears.  It was their efforts I celebrated, not the correctness, these children were toddlers.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Still Learning!

  I am happy to say I learned a little more about blogging. I have a RSS aggregator in Feedreader, and I posted on a couple of Blogs.(I think)  I am learning that the work for a Masters is more complicated than getting a Bachelor.  That is logical, so I am not sure why I was surprised.
 Atlanta was also affected by Irma, I have been off work all week.  Hopefully the Atlanta Board of Education will be functioning by Thursday.  It is like an unplanned vacation.  But I am thankful I have not lost power, the lights only blinked off a couple of times. Bloggers share your experience if you were in the path of Irma.  I pray everyone and their families are well.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

I have no idea what I am doing creating a blog, so everyday I try to find out.

Learner-Centered Teaching!

I selected the BFE Early Literacy Lesson, class. Ms. Kathleen Edgar circle time was used for interaction and sharing content. The teacher ...