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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Code of Ethics

We are bound by what we believe, and I believe that to do the right things for the right reasons should always prevail.

There are two ethics I selected from NAEYC's code of ethics.
1.1  To be familiar  with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.

If I was to learn that I made a mistake through lack of knowledge concerning a child it would devastate me.  That is why I started reading more in reference to early childhood care, to be in the position of knowing what I speak.  To be able to share information that could be the difference in achievement or failure.  I am getting my Master's in Early Childhood to continue my growth; so I can benefit others in my sphere.  Learning to learn is a s desire I hope to inspire by my own example of always learning.

1.4 To appreciate the vulnerability of children and their dependence on adults.

This code is easily the best requirement of all.  Because children are to be protected, loved, and guided.  This is foremost in my heart, that I am responsible for every action that affects their well-being.  That I am to be an example, modeling self-control, and patience, ensuring all is done to  ensure their progress.  It is a responsibility I take on to fulfill my goals as an Early Childhood Educator.  If that ethic is ever neglected we are in danger of the worst condemnation, we would forfeit the right to be in a child's environment.  This is the reason we exist, this field of early childhood care thrives to appreciate children.

This last code came from the Division for Early Childhood(DEC).

1.) We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with whom we work, honoring their beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture.

This code is a part of every thought before I speak.  Being mindful that "we" makes the world.  I shall endeavor to keep my perspectives open to others, my respect given unconditionally to all I encounter.  This code is enhanced through self-reflection, honestly, and love.  If we have no respect for others, it will show through our words and actions, making of no effect any other positive thing we do.  To smile while thinking you are more, is duplicitous,  children are great detectors of falsehood.  The children, their families, our colleagues, we all contribute to the outcome. We are interconnected in this objective to ensure our children's future.

Learner-Centered Teaching!

I selected the BFE Early Literacy Lesson, class. Ms. Kathleen Edgar circle time was used for interaction and sharing content. The teacher ...